måndag 6 november 2023

Is Mathematical Truth and Beauty Intrinsic or Imposed?

6 kommentarer:

Marianne Johansson sa...

robert lawrence kuhn fyller år idag! - 79 år! - eftersom han blev född den 6 november år 1944...

Marianne Johansson sa...

paul davies was born on april 22 of the year 1946...

Marianne Johansson sa...

michio kaku was born on january 24 of the year 1947...

Marianne Johansson sa...

licia verde was born on october 14 of the year 1971...

Marianne Johansson sa...

david wallace was born some time during the year 1976...

Marianne Johansson sa...

david chalmers was born on april 20 of the year 1966...