torsdag 9 juni 2011

Eugene Halliday 'In a Nutshell' (Part 3 of 9) - Dr Alan Roberts

1 kommentar:

Marianne Johansson sa...

this type of English is in fact familiar to me - I once - in the sixties at my home town Lidköping and through my work place - lidköpings mek verkstads ab - knew Florence Milenkovic - and she together with his husband then - nicola milenkovic made me - in the 'statskyrkan'- 'stadskyrkan(?) of lidköping- the God Mother of their first born child - a son - David Milenkovic - she was in the spring time of the year 1978 living in Urmston - outside - Manchester - Lancashire(!) - together with her two sons - I and my sort of man 'damals' stig kihlström were to visit her and her two sons that spring - then I was pregnant with mandus - which I then did not know - because the early state of the pregnancy - that mandus who since december 28 of the year of 2006 is lying in a grave in the östra kykogården here in göteborg - gothenburg - sweden...