fredag 18 mars 2011

The Doors - Ceremony : Jim Morrison's Birthday, December 8th, 2008

4 kommentarer:

Marianne Johansson sa...

han blev 27 år och 7 månader ( having been born on december 8 of the year 1943 and having died on july 3 of the year 1971 (in paris) - my first born child - a son - as is my second born child - was born on january 21 of the year 1979 - he died on November 30 of the year 2006 - he thus became 27 years and 10 months of age - they - by comparison - lived a life that was about as long - only o difference of 3 months - id est jim morrison lived 3 months longer than my first born son... (I am grateful that my second born son is still alive!)

Marianne Johansson sa...

no - i realize now that jim morrison lived only for 27 years and 7 months - whereas my first born son lived in fact as long as 27 years and 10 months ...

Marianne Johansson sa...

'only a difference' - not 'only o difference'... only the length of their lives I am comparing - nothing else - some people live a long life - some others do not - that's a fact...

Marianne Johansson sa...

apropå ålder - när jim föddes var jag redan 1 år och tre veckor gammal - jag född 17 november 1942 - han den 8 december 1943- när han dog den 3 juli 1971 - då vid den tiden levde både min mor och min far - och jag bodde hemma hos min mor och min far och jag hade ännu ej flyttat till göteborg - jag var alltså - då jim dog - 28 år och 7 månader och lite drygt två veckor...