tisdag 28 september 2010

Tomas Transtromer - Lifetime Recognition award

3 kommentarer:

Marianne Johansson sa...

(I also went to a 'latin high school' - not - however - in upsala - but at the small town of lidköping - why on earth do I have to make comparisons with such a Giant? - Why? - I am not - at all - in h i s Class - I am aware of that!)

Marianne Johansson sa...

the man talking here - robert hass - is himself o poet - an american poet - born on march 1 - 1941 - he is thus somewhat older than I/me... (my date of birth being november 17 - 1942...) (I am not a poet - and will never be - become one - this short period of time I sort of have left to live - I was in my life - for 20 years - a secretary/correspondent - 'an office slave' - and then I was working as a tram driver in göteborg - for 16 years - then I got retired...)

Marianne Johansson sa...

tomas tranströmer har liksom gjort 'rätt för sig' han har arbetat som 'psykolog'... - detta att skriva ner vad han liksom kände det var väl liksom bara 'en hobby'...